If you subscribe to the DubBot Quarterly Newsletter, you saw in the Product Updates section that "PDF checker version 2.0 is now live with more abilities to filter your PDFs by types of issues found."
I thought you might find it helpful to dive into the additional details of what Version 2.0 is capable of.
Testing PDFs for accessibility can be challenging if you don’t have the correct tools. DubBot’s PDF checker now brings you nine accessibility checks for all the PDFs on your site.
For example, you can test for broken links. But remember that the link needs to be clickable and fully functional. URLs that are only text will not be checked.
Speaking of links, our PDF checker also checks to ensure that links are marked up correctly to be recognizable by keyboard and assistive technology users.
And my personal favorite check is for Bookmarks! I love Bookmarks! They are especially beneficial when reading through long documents like undergraduate catalogs. Imagine navigating a 400-page PDF by scrolling down, page by page. 😫
We also have some additional checks that are currently in development. For example, a check for tab and reading order, a check that ensures the default language has been set, and a check for a proper document title, to name a few.
For a full list of current active checks and our checks in development, please see the help document titled PDF Accessibility testing: An overview of the tests run on PDF files in the DubBot Help Center. For each check listed, there is a link to the corresponding WCAG success criteria and an explanation of the impact of that success criteria.