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3 Things - Tuesday, June 27

  1. Google’s Parrotron is an AI tool for people with speech impediments 
    For millions of folks around the world, speech impairment is a fact of life. Roughly 7.5 million people in the U.S. have trouble vocalizing words and phrases, and disorders involving pitch, loudness, and quality affect about 5% of children by the first grade.

  2. 12 Must-Have Apps for Blind or Visually Impaired People
    For people with a visual impairment, accessing simple information can sometimes be difficult. How can a nonsighted person get their bearings and choose the best route to get to their destination? Or read a document that’s not available in Braille? Answer an email from a co-worker. Fortunately, technology keeps innovating: a lot of apps are specifically designed to help blind or visually impaired people in their everyday lives.

  3. Ava: Transcriptions & Captions
    Ava uses captions to live transcribe voice-to-text to provide accessibility for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing (HoH). Ava's speech-to-text app provides 24/7 real-time audio transcription with about 5 errors in 100 words based on AI, and the highest possible accuracy with Ava Scribe at about 1 error in 100 words.

Maggie Vaughan, CPACC
Content Marketing Practitioner