We all know how important SEO is to website visibility, and increased user traffic. And don’t forget about the relationship between an accessible website and SEO.
With DubBot’s latest update to SEO reporting, you now have more information and more options when it comes to understanding and remediating SEO issues.
The first thing you will notice is that the number of SEO issues will now be indicated on the SEO badge within the issues tab. Next, if you are an admin or site administrator, you can toggle to ignore SEO issues site-wide. If you choose to set the toggle to “Ignore,” DubBot will notify all of your users.
Last, but certainly not least, you now have the ability to create, make comments, ignore and resolve tasks related to each SEO issue found.
This is a game changer!!
You’re going to want to make sure and read the help doc titled "SEO Updates" to get all the details about this long-awaited update.
Stay Calm and SEO On!