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3 Things - Tuesday, May 17

May 19 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day!

    1. Purpose
      The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.

    2. How to Participate
    3. GAAD in the News
      Introducing the GAAD Foundation! - The GAAD Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to disrupt the culture of technology and digital product development to include accessibility as a core requirement. Our vision is for accessibility to be built into the product development lifecycle for technology and digital products. 

GAAD website   |  @gbla11yday  |  GAAD Facebook

All content taken directly from the GAAD and GAAD Foundation websites.

Maggie Vaughan, CPACC
Content Marketing Practitioner