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3 Things - Tuesday, December 27

  1. New Year’s resolutions: embracing challenges 
    Setting New Year’s resolutions can leave you disappointed, but they can also push you to succeed. Raya Al-Jadir explores why New Year’s resolutions aren’t just about rigid goals, but about embracing life’s everyday challenges.

  2. 5 New Year's Resolutions to Inspire Inclusion
    If setting clear goals in an otherwise unprecedented landscape feels difficult, join us in setting some open-ended intentions for the attitudes and perspectives we can control.

  3. 5 Tips for Making New Year's Resolutions Stick
    Resolutions are typically about self-improvement, either by starting new habits or stopping old habits that no longer serve us. A resolution should not be something to dread, but rather, a way to focus on the positives that change can make in our lives.

Maggie Vaughan, CPACC
Content Marketing Practitioner