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What's New at DubBot?

The designers, programmers, and engineers at DubBot have been burning the midnight oil over the past several months and have released quite a few important updates. Let me tell you about the three most exciting (and requested) updates to be pushed out over the last six weeks.

SSO and MFA Options

When you become a client of DubBot, you can now choose which secure login method is best for your organization...Single Sign-on (SSO) or Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). Note: MFA is only available to clients that do not use SSO.

Custom Checks to Enforce Accessibility Policy

You can now create Custom Checks to monitor accessibility policy. To make that easy, several accessibility policy pre-built checks have been added to the Custom Checks library. For example, you will find a pre-built check that looks for non-descriptive link text in order to meet WCAG 2.0, Level A, 2.4.4 Link Purpose success criteria. Take a look at the DubBot Help Center documentation to learn how easy it is to add custom accessibility checks.

Custom Checks for Content Editors

Now your content editor(s) can be alerted to accessibility and best practice issues. With a simple checkbox, DubBot gives your editor(s) the ability to remediate things like non-descriptive link text or the use of "Click Here." The Help Center documentation shows you how.

As always, if you have any questions or need guidance working with these new features, don’t hesitate to contact the team at DubBot.

Maggie Vaughan, CPACC
Content Marketing Practitioner