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DubBot provides continuous monitoring and quality checks

While priorities, resources, and timelines have shifted significantly over the past month, there is still a need to continue to iterate and improve website accessibility, user experience, and overall content availability. More now than ever, people are online and actively utilizing tools for collaboration over the internet. Therefore, it is essential to find tools that can help alleviate tedious tasks, prioritize what is important, and enable collaboration.

DubBot alleviates the time spent checking and monitoring websites through automated testing for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 standards for A and AA issues. DubBot can then provide a list of priority fixes to make to your website for these standards.

Accessibility and web standards are continually evolving. DubBot provides monitoring for your website for those changing standards and best practices. DubBot also gives less technical users insight into code used on their website that does not meet standards and the development of errors due to changing technology standards.

In addition to accessibility monitoring, DubBot monitors for SEO and web governance priorities that are important to your overall organization’s marketing goals and branding standards.

DubBot provides lists of pages with common SEO issues, including missing page title, description, use of a heading one tag, and headings used in proper order. Continuous monitoring by DubBot is a significant time-saver for website managers who need to be able to rely on others to output content while still keeping a pulse on overall website content performance, ensuring that SEO standards are maintained.

Website managers can also create and utilize custom checks for commonly found issues within websites. Typical checks include flagging alt text that contains backup language, short text that is indicative that alt text is not technically descriptive, and use of common nondescript link text (i.e., click here and read more).

DubBot enables users to collaborate within the tool via tasks so that users do not have to send emails back and forth with page links and screenshots. Tasks provide highlighting that enables users to quickly communicate where, what, and proposed solutions for issues within the context of the webpages and the specific content in question.

While tasks give users insight into the progress of the particular problems within website content, trends give users an overall picture of the development for the full website. Combining information from tasks and trends allows users to show snapshots of where invested effort translates to an improved website score.

Penny Kronz, CPACC
VP of DubBot Client Services
~ accessibility specialist, web developer, mom