DubBot is an Accessibility Partner for HighEdWeb 2019 | DubBot Skip to content

DubBot is an Accessibility Partner for HighEdWeb 2019

DubBot is packing up and heading to Milwaukee for HighEdWeb 2019 next week. We will have a booth, and we encourage anyone attending to swing by and say hello.

HighEdWeb tends to be a highlight of our year because it is a fun time where a community of genuine people working to make the web a better place come together. Every year that I have attended, I gain new insights into what challenges and solutions other organizations are working on and have worked through. The quality of presentations is always top-notch, with plenty of time built-in to make connections to continue learning more.

This will be DubBot's second year attending HighEdWeb. Dubby (as we affectionately refer to our robot friend) is proud to be a sponsor and Accessibility Partner this year. As an Accessibility Partner, Dubby will be contributing to make HighEdWeb a more inclusive environment during and after the conference.

With only a few days before HighEdWeb 2019, there is only one thing left to do... Push play to polka!

Penny Kronz, CPACC
VP of DubBot Client Services
~ accessibility specialist, web developer, mom