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Super DubBot logoWant to join the DubBot support team?

We are proud to offer DubBot users the best support in the industry of website quality and assurance checking, specializing in website accessibility testing.

DubBot support team members have the following qualifications:

  • Strong background in web development and HTML/CSS/ARIA best practices.
  • Strong understanding of website accessibility guidelines and techniques.
  • Self-learner who is able to research and find reputable best-practice documentation.
  • Able to explain technical concepts to less technical users who want to learn more.
  • Able to create custom, detailed documentation. Written, screenshots and quick video screen captures.
  • Outgoing personality that comes across during video calls and chat. The expectation is that the person will be helping to foster our relationships with our amazing user base.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Added plus if you have regex and/or XPath experience, but not required.
  • Generally, someone who isn't afraid to just hop in and make a difference where they see an opening!

Based out of Decatur, Georgia, DubBot supports clients across multiple time zones and would, therefore, be open to full-time remote candidates.

Why is DubBot an awesome place to work?

  • Competitive salary
  • Be a part of a fun and growing company
  • Healthcare and a generous vacation policy
  • Year-round, we strive to have a fulfilling work-life balance

Want to connect?

If you think DubBot is the place for you, email with your resume and a quick summary of what makes you a great addition to the DubBot team!